That variety in robot design also carries over to Automatron‘s main hook – the ability to create and customize your own robots. VATS will help you decide the best strategies for effectively fighting the robots and the variety in combat, that too with the addition of the new lightning chaining rifle, is a nice change of pace. You won’t be completely overwhelmed if your level is high enough but it isn’t exactly a cake walk at higher difficulties either. It’s a fairly different experience from the Synth war, especially since these mechanical monsters range from your “average” foot soldiers to hulking monsters armed to the teeth. With their own unique appearances, weaknesses and weapons, the robots provide a strong challenge that’s equal parts rewarding and frustrating. Right away, Automatron impresses with the attention to detail of its robots. Well, the robots are the stars is what’s up.

What’s the Mechanist’s problem though? What are his motivations? What’s up with all the robots? Wipe out said foes, take Ada as a companion and you’re off to fight the mysterious Mechanist and halt his robot army in the process. Follow this signal and you’ll discover the robot Ada under attack by a robotic horde. Once your version of the Sole Survivor hits level 15, you’ll receive a mysterious signal of sorts.

"VATS will help you decide the best strategies for effectively fighting the robots and the variety in combat, that too with the addition of the new lightning chaining rifle, is a nice change of pace." Despite those compunctions, Fallout 4‘s Automatron DLC succeeds not just because of its gameplay, prompting us to revisit the Commonwealth again, but also due to its new mechanics that suck up hours of crafting time. You try telling your audience that a Season Pass will be raised in price and delivering more content while promising the same concept that a user-created mod provided for free.

Which is fair enough given the hype surrounding the game and what was ultimately delivered, but that conflict also meant a whole lot wasn’t expected from Automatron, the first paid DLC for the shooter. Bethesda Softworks’ Fallout 4 is a game somewhat at odds with its overall fan-base, delivering a strong open world with plenty of things to do while facing the slings and arrows of an uneventful story and not enough content.